Blog: Services

Anal Gland Expression

Anal Glands are a natural part of your dog and cat's (as well as many other animals) regular bowel movements. They are typically released every day with a normal bowel movement, and this helps lubricate the feces and leaves a scent as a signature to each pet.

Emergency Vet

Campbell River Veterinary Hospital understands how important it is when you have an emergency with your dog. We offer 24-hour emergency support for our clients.

Fleas and Ticks

External Parasites can cause anemia, hair loss, itchiness, and a domino effect of other issues. Ingesting fleas can lead to secondary parasite infestations like tapeworms.

Grooming and Nail Trimming

Grooming is essential for the overall health of dogs as well, keeping your dog clean and mat-free prevents hot spots and other skin problems. Grooming hours are by appointment only. Call us at 250-923-5905 to book an appointment!